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Family Crisis Education

TheEduCtr sponsored “Family Crisis Programs” is an educational mentoring program to aid individuals, who are pushed out or kicked out of school, pregnant, homeless, abused, in shelters or abandon to receive ongoing education while they are in their crisis, all the while maintain the family structure. We also, provide a net work of educational resources (preschool-post-secondary) to help continue the family’s education in one location while they are in transition. Each family or individual will be given a certified teach/educator who will mentor them in all their educational needs.


Kids in Crisis Program

Kids in Crisis Program for children ages 5-12 years old who are grossly overweight. This program starts in March 2022. Studies have found that the rate of obesity drops when education rises, overweight children have poorer mental health outcomes & reduced quality of life, and being overweight may lower children's self-esteem.  Our goal is to increase the student's learning while they are developing a new lifestyle of good nutrition, good mental health, and increased self-esteem. Being overweight may lower children's self-esteem.  Our goal is to increase the student's learning while they are developing a new lifestyle of good nutrition, good mental health, and increased self-esteem.


Parents in Crisis Program

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Literacy And Career Education

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